Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kim Kardashian to star in "The Marriage Counselor"

I almost chocked on my food when I read this headline....oh, where do I start?

First, why would Kim Kardashian get the role as the co-worker in the film "the marriage counselor"? I do think that she is overexposed in the media, and I still don't quite understand what's she is famous for. Nonetheless, if she portrayed the best acting skills at the audition, then she deserves the role...But I highly doubt that she had to audition for the role, and even if she did, it probably wasn't that hot.

Second, is Tyler Perry that far removed from his audience that he thinks that her name on a movie will bring in audiences? His core demographic are African Americans (mostly women), and some of them may not even know who Kim Kardashian is and even care. This seems like he is trying to alienate himself from his original fan base.

 Third, what about the starving artists? Tyler Perry has been known to give many unknown thespians the opportunity to showcase their talent, i don't understand why he stopped with this role. There are plenty of young females out there who are vying to be a major motion picture, and he chooses Kim Kardashian. A woman who is already rich, and to my knowledge has no talents worth recognition.

I could go on and on about this, but I'll stop here...what are your thoughts?

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